Gonna save this one - I have thought of the problems of monopolies in the world much like empires of old. They stretch far and wide, across oceans and continents, they are a force that eliminates all smaller competition, they create a focal point of power around a leader (in this case Jeff Besos and $$) - they are inherently a unstable and volatile economic force. The vacumm that is created when they are gone will be disasterous.
One solution I believe in strongly is rebuilding our communities. What that looks like to me is; supporting local artists and artisans (woodworkers, laborers, etc), growing local businesses, becoming more self-sustaining communally, and having government funded programs pop up that go beyond just bringing people together, but actually giving them the tools to compete with the oppossing force.
We are in a economic war for who controls our economies, the chances of buying a home, the environment, and our livlihoods. It's time to stand and go closer together